The Oracle
andover townsman, andover, ma.
july 26, 2012. dalton column: lawsuit concerns one of town's most interesting yet forgotten.
bill dalton.
The Oracle
first of all iam a agnostic.
i,am curious, you who are atheist.
what or how do you deal with a life or death situation.
@Sir82 - I think you're right
the anonymous hacker group has proven themselves effective in the past.
lets wait and see if they pull it off again with the wts..
@truthismine: I was thinking the same thing. I'm not sure how much of this would be stored digitally. Has Barbara confirmed that these records of child molestors are also stored digitally? I know that she has confirmed they exist in filing cabinets.
Either way, it is pretty impressive that the WT has drawn the wrath of Anonymous. I wonder what the reaction has been of all the nerdy JWs who are aware of the group Anonymous?
I bet you there were many JWs who were celebrating when Anonymous targetted the Christian Scientists for their idiocy...I wonder what they are thinking now that this rougue cyber justice league of sorts is targetting their own corrupt JW world.
The Oracle
Cedars, this is quite a shocker!
Imagine - an example of hypocrisy exhibited by one of the faithful and discreet slave???!!??
Who da thunk it?
The Oracle
the society is afraid to act in regard to williams sisters and others whom are participating in the pagan olympic festival?.
it would bring more bad publicity than good?..
i just see the sisters williams on bbc news saying how the olympic gold medal is her best victory and she has more pride in the olympic medal than all others!!!!!.
on a somewhat related note:
perhaps some of our London members should take advantage of the public stage at the Olympics and do some kind of WT protest against child molestation.
As for the william sisters - I am sure they donate some good chunks of cash to the WT so their local elders turn a bit of a blind eye.
I have witnessed similar hypocrisy and corruption first hand - those who donate heavily get treated differently. Especially elders looking for higher priveleges. Did you ever wonder why so many crappy public speakers would end up giving CA parts or DA parts?
little background.
i'm dfed been dfed for about 4 to 6 years if you include the first dfment and getting back in for 6 months then 2008 dfed second time.. i did alot of research in 2010 to now and well from getting dfed for a total different reason just makes me look like a sinner who is unrepentent in my family.
the only people who know my researching is mainly my sister and mom.. .
good advice here....
you could also tell your sister that you are very concerned about her.
She is trapped in a mind control cult and you and your mother are very worried about her.
Encourage her to read an encyclopedia, visit the local library, or heaven forbid do some research on the internet. See if the religion she belongs to can stand up to some scrutiny.
JW's need to realize that they are the ones in trouble - they are trapped in an evil organisation and they have been thoroughly decieved. Do what you can to wake her up. The awakening and transformation that occurs is a beautiful thing that all JWs deserve to experience (except for the really nasty ones)
The Oracle
jane doe v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. .
jury trial - june 14, 2012 - day 10. .
mr. schnack: ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the judge has instructed you that it is your choice to award or not to award punitive damages.
in the meanntime slapping them with some big $$$$$ judgements is the next big thing....
awareness is a beautiful thing....
the thin edge of the wedge gets a lot of people thinking - especially when they drop money in to the contribution boxes....
when they know their hard earned money is going to the PPF (pedofile protection fund) they may think twice before parting with money that can bring a little better life to their own families
The Oracle
we bees leave for our trip this afternoon - a river cruise from budapest to the black sea.
everyone on the ship is a tandem cycling couple.
we will visit hungary, serbia, moldav, romania, austria, germany and croatia.. it will be a nice break from politics and the world news since we don't watch much tv on these trips.. hold down the fort - see you in a couple of weeks!.
enjoy your time away!
jane doe v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. .
jury trial - june 14, 2012 - day 10. .
mr. schnack: ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the judge has instructed you that it is your choice to award or not to award punitive damages.
that is the way they operate....
it's actually embarassing how poor those closing arguments were. If the rank and file JW's could see how lame their best defense team is it would raise a few eyebrows.
It's like a grown man breaking down and crying and throwing away his diginity....imagine admitting that this girl had gotten the better of them and that they will change. lol. love it.
I guess jehovah has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to directing the WT on how to handle child abuse cases.
The Oracle
hi everyone, ive been lurking at the forums for a while now, just reading the posts and trying to figure things out.
some background story of me.
i later found out his mother had something to do with it.
Welcome Rawrities!
Glad that you found this site and realize you almost made a big mistake.
Good advice here. Get your education, move on with your life and get away from the toxic influence of the JW world. It will become an interesting part of your past. Being exposed to something like this can actually turn out to be a positive for you.
Good luck! We hope to continue to hear from you.
The Oracle